We will be hosting our certification course at real estate offices or by webinar. Registration is required in advance. Fill out form below to reserve your spot.

Paul J. Oster is the CEO of Better Qualified, LLC, a company that specializes in business and consumer credit services. The company offers businesses and consumers solutions that include, but are not limited to, establishing lines of credit (personal/non-personal guarantees), analysis and consulting on business and consumer credit reports, establishing business credit scores, credit card approval processes, and identity theft protection. 

Credit 101 is the training required for the Consumer Credit Expert Certification.

Fill out the form below to have a credit specialist set up your certification course.


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Course Highlights:


  • Why every Realtor needs to know about credit basics 
  • Credit statistics 
  • When the bank says, “No!” 
  • Marketing: consumers, unions, associations, corporations

 Consumer Credit Expert Certification. Get Certified. 

History of Fico  

  • Bill Fair and Earl Isaac
  • FICO made available to Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian
  • Fannie/Freddie recommend use of FICO

The Big Three  

  • Equifax - Beacon, EFX S&P 500 
  • Trans Union - Empirica, Private 
  • Experian - Fair Isaac, EXPN, London Stock Exchange,
                             Dublin, Ireland

Credit Score Factors 

  • Payment history
  • Amounts owed
  • Length of credit history 
  • New credit 
  • Types of credit

Credit Myths

  • Credit bureaus are government agencies
  • The burden of proof rests with the consumer 
  • Paying a past debt removes it from your credit report 
  • Consumers can’t repair their own credit

Reading a credit report

  • Personal information
  • Payment information 
  • Collections/Charge-offs
  • Public Records
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